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Poedit 3.5: Excel, Laravel Blade, Performant Translations

3.5 is a big release with a lot of under-the-hood improvements and three major features that many of you have been asking for: import/export through Excel, support for WordPress 6.5 and Laravel Blade templates.

Excel import/export

You can now export translations to an Excel file, as well as import translations from Excel spreadsheets into translation files in any of the formats supported by Poedit. This is especially useful if you need to work with translation agencies or otherwise manage translations outside of Poedit.

WordPress 6.5’s Performant Translations

WordPress 6.5 introduced Performant Translations, a new storage format for translations that brings ~25% improvement in loading speed. Poedit now supports this and will automatically compile translations into l10n.php files when uploading translations via FTP.

Laravel Blade templates

Poedit now supports the Blade template format for string extraction, in addition to Twig and Volt. Blade templates are used by the popular Laravel framework and Poedit fully supports them, including the handling of embedded PHP blocks. By default, the *.blade.php extension is used, but you can customize this in the translation file’s properties.

Windows 11 improvements

Poedit has been optimized for Windows 11.[1] The visuals have been updated, and the app is now 64-bit and runs better on modern systems. Accessibility with the NVDA screen reader has also been improved.

And more…

As usual, there’s a bunch of small (or sometimes not so small) things:

  • Added a tool to the Translation menu to remove translations that are identical to the source text, which is a nuisance that some software produces.
  • Further improvements to JSON support, e.g. better compatibility with Angular files.
  • Significant performance enhancements to QA checks and text editing.
  • Many under-the-hood plumbing improvements: 64-bit Windows binaries, system ICU is now used (resulting in smaller downloads), etc.

Happy translating! 🌍📝

  1. Note that Windows 10 or newer is now required. You can still use Poedit 3.4 on older Windows 7/8/8.1 systems. ↩︎